3edata is a technology-based company focused on project management in the agroforestry and environmental sector. We offer environmental data capture, processing and analysis services to obtain knowledge, as well as project management services: we assist and support our clients in decision making, in order to improve their capacity to optimise available resources and minimise environmental costs.


The staff that has joined this business initiative has different technical profiles of great versatility, many of them with more than 25 years of experience in the management and planning of environmental projects in which the use of the most innovative technologies is combined with the knowledge of the environment acquired during the development of different types of research and innovation projects.



+34 660 89 91 12


    2021. Donis, Daphne; Mantzouki, Evanthia; McGinnis, Daniel F.; Vachon, Dominic; Gallego, Irene; Grossart, Hans‐Peter; Senerpont Domis, Lisette N.; Teurlincx, Sven; Seelen, Laura; Lürling, Miquel; Verstijnen, Yvon; Maliaka, Valentini; Fonvielle, Jeremy; Visser, Petra M.; Verspagen, Jolanda; Herk, Maria; Antoniou, Maria G.; Tsiarta, Nikoletta; McCarthy, Valerie; Perello, Victor C. … Ibelings, Bastiaan W. (2021). Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer. Limnology and Oceanography, 1−20.


    2021. Juan Guerra-Hernández, Stefano Arellano-Pérez, Eduardo González-Ferreiro, Adrián Pascual, Vicente Sandoval Altelarrea, Ana Daría Ruiz-González, Juan Gabriel Álvarez-González. Developing a site index model for P. Pinaster stands in NW Spain by combining bi-temporal ALS data and environmental data. Forest Ecology and Management 481 (2021) 118690.


    2021. Guerra-Hernández, J., Díaz-Varela, R.A., Ávarez-González, J.G. et al. Assessing a novel modelling approach with high resolution UAV imagery for monitoring health status in priority riparian forests. For. Ecosyst. 8, 61 (2021).


    2021. Guerra-Hernández, J. and Pascual, A. Using GEDI lidar data and airborne laser scanning to assess height growth dynamics in fast-growing species: a showcase in Spain Forest Ecosystems 2021 8:14.


    2021. Jaime Fagúndez, Laura Lagos Abarzuza; César A. Blanco Arias; Boris Hinojo Sánchez; Ángela Saa Martínez; Marco Rubinos Román; José Antonio Arias et al. LIFE in Common Land Gestión en común de la tierra, un modelo sostenible de conservación y desarrollo rural en Zonas Especiales de Conservación. LIFE16 NAT/ES/000707. 15º Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente (CONAMA 2020).


    2021. Chibane, N.; Caicedo, M.; Martínez, S.; Marcet, P.; Revilla, P.; Ordás, B. Relationship between Delayed Leaf Senescence (Stay-Green) and Agronomic and Physiological Characters in Maize (Zea mays L.). Agronomy 2021, 11, 276.


    2021. Buján, S.; Guerra-Hernández, J.; González-Ferreiro, E.; Miranda, D. Forest Road Detection Using LiDAR Data and Hybrid Classification. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 393.


    2020. Pascual., A., Guerra-Hernández., J. Using the GEDI satellite lidar mission with nationwide airborne laser scanning surveys in fast changing forest ecosystems. In: GEO BON Conference. 06-10 July 2020, At: Leipzig – online. Germany.


    2020. Munaiz, E.D.; Martínez, S.; Kumar, A.; Caicedo, M.; Ordás, B. The Senescence (Stay-Green)—An Important Trait to Exploit Crop Residuals for Bioenergy. Energies 2020, 13, 790.


    2020. Cillero Castro, C.; Domínguez Gómez, J.A.; Delgado Martín, J.; Hinojo Sánchez, B.A.; Cereijo Arango, J.L.; Cheda Tuya, F.A.; Díaz-Varela, R. An UAV and Satellite Multispectral Data Approach to Monitor Water Quality in Small Reservoirs. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1514.


    2020. Boris Hinojo, Susana Martínez and Susana Penedo. (2020) LIFE Lugo+Biodynamic. Planning a multi-ecological neighbourhood as a model of urban resilience. Sowing Sustainable Cities. In In J.Rodríguez Álvarez & J.C. Soares Gonçalves (Eds.) Planning Post Carbon Cities. Proceedings of the 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. A Coruña: University of A Coruña. Vol.3 | 1571-1576


    2018. R.A. Díaz-Varela, S. Calvo Iglesias, C. Cillero Castro, E.R. Díaz Varela, Sub-metric analisis of vegetation structure in bog-heathland mosaics using very high resolution rpas imagery, Ecological Indicators, Volume 89, 2018, Pages 861-873.


    2018. Mantzouki, E., Campbell, J., van Loon, E. et al. A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins. Sci Data 5, 180226 (2018).


    2018. Evanthia Mantzouki, Miquel Lürling ,Jutta Fastner,Lisette De Senerpont Domis,Elżbieta Wilk-Woźniak,Judita Koreivienė,Laura Seelen, Sven Teurlincx,Yvon Verstijnen, Wojciech Krztoń, Edward Walusiak, Jūratė Karosienė, Jūratė Kasperovičienė, Ksenija Savadova, Irma Vitonytė, Carmen Cillero-Castro, et al. (2020). Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins. Toxins 2018, 10(4), 156. [2020 BEST PAPER AWARDS]


    2018. Carmen Cillero, Jordi Delgado, Ramón A. Díaz Varela, José Antonio Domínguez, Boris Hinojo, José Luis Cereijo, David García, Federico Cheda, Marco Rubinos. RSonde Tool: A project for developing a reservoir monitoring tool coupling remote sensing and high frequency in situ data. In Gaikwad, J., König-Ries, B., & Recknagel, F. (Eds). Proceedings of the ‘10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics: translating ecological data into knowledge and decisions in a rapidly changing world’, Jena, Germany, 24-28 September, 2018.


    2018. Carmen Cillero Castro, Jordi Delgado, Ramón Díaz Varela, José A. Domínguez, Boris Hinojo, José Luis Cereijo Arango, Fedeirco Tuya, Marco Rubinos. .Desarrollo de herramientas de monitorización de la calidad del agua en pequeños embalses mediante imágenes tomadas con sensores multiespectrales. XIX Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología. Coimbra Portugal. 24-29 Junio 2018.


    2016. Cillero, C., Díaz-Varela, R.A., Rubinos, M. et al. Assessment of anthropogenic pressures on South European Atlantic bogs (NW Spain) based on hydrochemical data. Hydrobiologia 774, 137–154 (2016).


    The experience of more than 25 years of the founders of 3edata allows us to count on a wide network of collaborators, both in the world of private enterprise and in the field of R&D in the public sector.


    3edata is a technology-based company, Spin-off of the University of Santiago de Compostela, flight operator authorised by AESA to carry out activities with RPAS and is qualified by the Xunta de Galicia as a Technology-Based Employment Initiative (IEBT). It is also an Innovative SME, being registered in the corresponding registry of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.


    3edata trabaja con diferentes empresas, tanto PYME, Grandes empresas, centros de investigación, Administraciones Públicas, etc. Independientemente de su tamaño aportamos el mismo grado de atención y las mejores soluciones que el cliente necesita.


    3edata presents results of its work at events of the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space and the European Space Agency

    3edata presents different results of the European Commission’s Horizon programme projects (Water-ForCE y Nature FIRST), at two European events organised

    3edata will participate in a project approved by the World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA) within the Earth Observation work stream

    The recently awarded project focuses on defining a remotely sensed multi-metric index in a pilot area in Africa (Lake Tanganyka)

    Nature FIRST: Intro and Demo of Solutions for Biodiversity Monitoring

    Sign up here! Join an online session where we will showcase the achievements, solutions, and technologies of Nature FIRST, a project