The type of rural property, and the environmental conditions, have been decisive for the conservation of a large number of wetlands in the upper Miño or Terra Chá basin. There are 29 types of habitat of community interest, of which 7 are priority habitats. Within the freshwater habitats, 6 protected habitats are present in this territory. The Terra Chá is an outstanding area in terms of its wealth of species of flora and fauna, highlighting different botanical species listed as endangered as Eryngium viviparum Luronium natans, Pilularia globulifera, Nymphoides peltata, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae and Isoetes fluitans.

In this work, an analysis of the \" conservation status \" of stagnant water habitats was carried out using hydrochemical data time series and spatial and territorial analysis techniques. By combining both technologies, a diagnosis of their trophic status was achieved, as well as their relationship with the morphometric features of the systems. The main nutrient input pathways, their location in space and their seasonality were also identified, providing very useful information for land managers and water authorities.