FECHA: 2005-2011


The aim of this work was to obtain a cartography of environmental assessment of Natura 2000 Network sites in Galicia, focused on their planning and management. As established in the applicable regulations (Habitats Directive, DC/92/43/CEE or Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Law), it is essential to detail the conservation values of each space included in the European Network of Protected Areas (RN2000) according to specific scientific-technical criteria. In this work, an assessment methodology based on the criteria established by the Habitats Directive and other scientific indices was established and applied. For its implementation, different geographical databases were elaborated and algorithms were applied by means of Geographical Information Technologies, obtaining as a result the cartography of environmental assessment of the Natura 2000 areas of Galicia.

The mapping of the Natura 2000 Network generated was used for the territorial planning of these areas and served as a basis for establishing the regulations relating to them, aspects that can be consulted in the various documents relating to the Director Plan of the Galician Natura 2000 Network ( Decreto 37/2014, DOG No. 62.